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*Your application must be approved.

Government Phone Program

About the Program

The US Government's "Lifeline" program was established in 1985. The Lifeline program is a government aid program that helps eligible Americans with the cost of phone service. It originally helped cover the cost of landline phone service, but extended to cell phone service as cell phones became commonplace. The program began to be known widely as the "free government phone program" or "free government smartphone program."

We will connect you to the largest service provider in your area. Millions of Americans are enrolled already. If qualified, you will receive a free smartphone and free monthly texts, data and voice minutes. (One per qualified household). There are no contracts and no agreements.

The application is fast and in most states there is a database that shows if you are eligible, so the application process is quick and can be done in a few minutes. If you qualify, you will receive the smartphone in the mail and begin receiving free service for your cell phone once you make your first call. It is important to make the first call as soon as you receive the phone in order to keep your service active.
Note: In order to save our referral code to your application, it is important that you do not close the application once you begin. Start the application through the link below, which will attach the referral code, and then go all the way through the application to the end.

Apply Now

How Do I Qualify?

On the next page you will enter your zip code and start the application. Once approved, you will be enrolled in the free government cell phone program and will receive your phone and start receiving free phone service.

These are the most common ways to qualify:   

Qualification requirements may change and there are other qualifications not listed above, but these are the most common.

The best way to find out if you qualify is to go through the application to the end.

Click "continue" above and go through the application completely. Be sure to send in all the information requested.

Important note:
After you finish the application, you will receive an "Enrollment Number," which is what you will use to track the progress of your application. After you finish the application, be sure to log in using your enrollment Number to see if more information is needed to finish your application, such as submitting a document to prove eligibility. If some information is needed but you do not provide it, your application will remain pending until you provide what is needed. So it's best to check the status of your application until the process is complete.
Also, if you start an application, be sure to finish the application to the end until you get an Enrollment Number, or else the referral code will not stay attached to your application.

Apply Now